Day trip to Boston

I love this city! Don’t get me wrong as a New Yorker, Manhattan will always be “THE City”, but what’s not to love about Boston?! It’s clean, nautical and every time I’m there I get to say fun things like “hahbah” and “Smaht”. Did I mention CLEAN?
The New England Aquarium.
If you love penguins as much as I do then you have to visit this aquarium! It opens up into this big room with a penguin exhibit. The rest of the aquarium spirals up into different levels with various sea creatures.
Make sure not to miss out of the Sea Lion exhibit outside! I almost did! This place was filled with various wonderful sea creatures. The only thing it was missing was a manta ray petting display, but you could pet starfish. There’s was an octopus display as well, however, he didn’t want to come out of hiding!
Mike’s Pastry Shop.
Unfortunately I don’t have any pictures of the delicious chocolate chip cannoli I got, but take my word for it! When you first walk into Mikes you might get discouraged by the long lines but don’t; they move through pretty quickly. I chose the basic chocolate chip cannoli because that’s what I was craving, but they had all sorts of flavors from pistachio to Nutella to lemon.
These boots were made for walking.
No I didn’t wear boots but I sure did a lot of walking! If you’re on a budget Boston is a nice city to just take a walk around, enjoy the water, see some historical landmarks and get some live entertainment from street performers.
Night Shift Brewery.
While technically not in Boston, it’s a short car ride away. I got a horchata inspired beer (if you don’t know what horchata is, check out my L.A. post!). It was delicious but holy cow super strong! At this brewery you can order in food from different restaurants. Good craft beer and a large pie from a local pizzeria? Sold!

All in all it was a good day trip! Can’t see everything in one trip but that’s how you know if it’s worth going back to My only complaint is that parking is so expensive! $40 for a day! So if you’re staying the night, park at your hotel and just take the T!

Manish Ambaliya
Amazing! I know nothing about traveling all over the country, what a wonderful looking place to explore.