DIY Easy Wedding Tea Favors for the Crafty Bride
Let’s be honest. Weddings are expensive! When I was planning my wedding I was scrambling for alternatives that would help me save money yet still achieve the aesthetic I wanted for my special day. I wanted my favor to be somewhat meaningful and fun. My husband and I LOVE tea and both grew up in tea-drinking families so I came up with these wedding tea favors! Here is my step to step guide.

- Spoon charms (I got mine from Etsy)
- Tulle circles (I got mine from Michael’s)
- Skinny ribbon (I opted for white satin and white ribbed. Also purchased from Michael’s)
- Pyramid shaped tea boxes (I got a bunch from Home Goods!)
**Below I will also provide Amazon links for these items at the bottom**
- Cut about 3-4 inch length of ribbon (Preferably with shears, so you don’t get fraying.)
- Thread ribbon through one side of hole in spoon charm.
- Place tea box in the middle of tulle and bunch the tulle up towards the peak of the pyramid.
- Place spoon on front face of pyramid and loop ribbon around then thread through other hole.
- Tie a bow.
I also created these personalized tags to go with my favors. It includes the bride and groom’s names, wedding dates and a quote. If you’d like a copy of this template drop me a comment and I’ll send it your way!
Some ideas for the quote are:
Love is Brewing
__ & ___ the perfect blend
___ &___ the perfect brew
You’re My Cup of Tea
I hope my wedding tea favors have inspired the tea lover in you! Looking for more wedding DIY ideas? Check out my Wedding page where I share my other projects: https://lifewithbecks.com/category/wedding/
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